Linux command operators: &&, ||, and \

1 min readMay 13, 2020


A quick glimpse:

  • A ; B : Run A and then B, regardless of the success of A
  • A && B : Run B if A succeeded
  • A || B : Run B if A failed


It is often to see commands are written in one line, such as

$ command A  &&  command B

The intent is to execute command B after command A only if command Ais executed successfully. In this way, commands are chained together, such that the next command is run if and only if the preceding command exited without errors.


on the contrary, If two commands are chained by a ||, such as

$ command A  || command B

It means command B will be executed only if Command A doesn't runs successfully (exit status is false).


; is just a separator which doesn't care what happened to the command before.

command A ; 
command B


\ is used at the end of a line, as a means of concatenating lines together and run as a single command. So the following two commands are processed exactly the same.

this   \
is command A

is the same as

this is command A


bash — Confusing use of && and || operators — Unix & Linux Stack Exchange




Written by Jan

Win is every step of the process.

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